Somatic Movement Education and Therapy (ISMETA)

Technical description Somatic Movement Education and Therapy Association (ISMETA) represents a variety of approaches dedicated to somatic techniques. It is a technique consisting of postural and movement evaluation and coaching through touch and verbal guidance to improve coordination.
Science foundation claims The association represents professionals dedicated to improve daily movement and posture such as Feldenkrais, Alexander Technique, and Pilate methods. The association believes that there are fundamental underlying principles shared by somatic movement techniques.
How can you use Soundsory as a complement to this program? The Soundsory Program is a therapy program that focuses on Somatic Movement and helps to integrate correct primitive reflexes through a series of repeated exercises. It is a program that can be used as a complement to ISMETA.
Soundsory is a 40-day program of daily 30 minutes of music listening with exercises. The program is divided into two sessions of 20 days each. Learn more here.
Protocol of Use ISMETA provides a general standard of practice but each member has its own protocol based on its method.
Professional Equipment No specific equipment.
End-users Equipment No.
Certification training
Training for Professionals Members need to have completed an Approved Training program which consists of at least 500 hours of training over 150 professional approved practices.
Online Training No.
Number of Professional certification levels No.
About the company
Company’s founder and date: SMETA was first formed in 1988 by Jim Spira, Ph.D.
Number of Practitioners: 100.
Main Area: USA – Europe
PO Box 5903 (1425 Central Ave Post Office),
Albany, New York 12205