
Technical description The Feldenkrais Method consists of a series of movement and touching sequences performed in a laying, sitting or standing position. The student is guided by a Feldenkrais practitioner through either verbal instructions during group classes and/or touch in individual classes.
Science foundation claims The Feldenkrais Method helps people to be more aware of their habitual neuromuscular patterns and rigidities. It helps to improve functioning movement and expands options for new ways of moving.
How can you use Soundsory as a complement to this program? Feldenkrais practitioners can also work with the Soundsory Program. It is a multi-sensory therapy program that is comprised of music and body movement exercises.
Soundsory engages the user in a series of 50 special exercises that cause the neural networks in the brain to grow and become more efficient.
It is a 40-day program of daily 30 minutes of music listening with exercises. The program is divided into two sessions of 20 days each. Learn more here.
Protocol of Use A typical session is a one-day group workshop. Private sessions typically last one hour.
Professional Equipment A specific table is needed for individual sessions.
End-users Equipment No.
Certification training
Training for Professionals The Feldenkrais certification training is 160 days (800 hours ) and lasts 3 ½ years.
The price is USD 18000. No specific prerequisites.
Online Training No.
Number of Professional certification levels 1.
About the company
Company’s founder and date: The Feldenkrais Method wascreated by Moshe Feldenkrais in the 1950s
Number of Practitioners: 2000.
Main Area: USA
The Feldenkrais Method
401 Edgewater Place, Suite 600
Wakefield, MA 01880