Cellfield Reading Intervention

Technical description Cellfield Reading Intervention is a brain training software consisting of a series of 20 one-hour sessions mixing auditory, visual and reading tasks.

Science foundation claims Reading difficulties are associated with poor connections between key brain areas. By using both visual and auditory processing in reading tasks, the Celfield reading Intervention can connect both side of the brain and help readers decode words and make sense of what they read.

Protocol of Use The first 10 one – hour sessions are done over two weeks, and then another ten one – hour sessions are done over ten weeks. The typical price is USD 2500 per student.

How can you use Soundsory as a complement to this program? Cellfield Reading Intervention can be used in conjunction with the Soundsory therapy program which takes a multi-sensory approach to improve auditory processing and motor skills in individuals through a series of exercises and a music listening program.

Soundsory is a 40-day program of daily 30 minutes of music listening with exercises. The program is divided into two sessions of 20 days each.

Learn more about Soundsory here.


Professional Equipment Software working on a PC, homework booklets and glasses are an option.

End-users Equipment Online access through the professional equipment (license for users).

Home based program Available

Certification training

Training for Professionals The training is a 2-day session and costs USD 3750 (accessories and license fees are included for 2 students for 4 months).

Online Training Available at same price.

Number of Professional certification levels 1.

About the company

Company’s founder and date: The Cellfield program was created by Dimitri Caplygin in the 2000s

Number of Practitioners: 40.

Main Area: Canada – USA – Australia

Cellfield Pty Ltd
Suite 2E/34 High Street
Southport, Queensland 4215

Nicolas Cottin
