Soundsory has been another valuable tool in my business utilised by a range of clients. One client in particular, whose super power is Autism, has had great success through continuity of listening, alternating between Tomatis and the Soundsory Programs. Mr A has been rapidly developing his speech, engaging in meaningful conversation with others, an increase in eye contact and an overall calmer disposition. From a neuroplasticity perspective, the pathways for greater development are continually being stimulated which seems to produce and strengthen greater positive change, immediately and so far, long term as well.
Soundsory allows the wonders of The Tomatis Method to be more accessible to more people. It is more affordable and easy to use; this includes the online movement exercises which are key to the success of the program. Addressing primitive reflexes through movement based exercises can have a profound impact on those with learning difficulties, speech and language delays, fine and gross motor issues, attentional issues…just to name a few. For those clients who have only engaged with Soundsory and no Tomatis Program, parents have reported increases in concentration and focus, and a range of improvements in speech and language.
As the client purchases Soundsory themselves, for personal home use, there is no logistical organisation required each time a client engages with the Soundsory program, and from my experience there have been no breakages with headphones. It is a win for everyone!
Emma, Educator and Tomatis practitioner in Australia