Parents and specialists notice improvements like: movements, thinking, speech, interpersonal skills…

We have been using the SoundSory program since our centre’s opening, to be specific, for five months of continuous practice. More than 30 kids are following the Soundsory program, each child at his own stage, eleven children have completed the full 40 days program. The program is very convenient to use, while listening, we work with the child, helping to develop cognitive, communicative and motor spheres. The program’s exercises are quite simple, for older kids we do more complicated exercises, we add cerebellar stimulation method as well. For younger kids, we simplify the program, or we do exercises together with parents.

Regarding the results, parents and specialists notice improvements like: movements, thinking, speech, interpersonal skills, cognitive activity, adaptability, socialization, concentration and attention.

We use the program with children with such disorders like: delayed speech development, delayed psychoverbal development, delayed motor development, coordination and balance, mutism, dyslexia, disturbed processing of sensory information, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorder, disorders of the autistic spectrum.

We are satisfied with the program, we have purchased the second unit.

Aleksandr, clinical psychologist